Enhancing religious literacy to counter extremism and terrorism in Kazakhstan's religious context



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religious extremism, terrorism, religious literacy, tolerance, traditional religious values


In order to address the rise of extremist and terrorist ideologies in Kazakhstan, it is crucial to prioritize religious literacy and understand the underlying foundations of these ideologies. This entails identifying how such ideologies emerge, the societal and international factors that contribute to their appeal, as well as their root causes and preconditions. The prevention of religious terrorism and extremism is a pressing issue that demands dedicated efforts. Efforts to prevent extremism and terrorism should extend beyond mere lectures and encompass comprehensive strategies to engage young people in healthy lifestyles. Unfortunately, many teenagers in Kazakhstan currently lack access to sports facilities and participation in various clubs. In both rural and urban areas, outdated institutions like the “House of Young Engineers» and “House of Pioneers» have ceased to function. Therefore, it is essential to prioritize the operation of organizations that can attract young individuals towards science, education, technology, and sports. If the state fails to undertake such initiatives, terrorists may exploit this void. Thus, no expense or opportunity should be spared in nurturing the growth of the youth within the framework of patriotism. Moreover, creating optimal conditions for school-age children to adapt to technology and science is imperative. Measures aimed at increasing their interest and involvement in these fields must be implemented. By promoting technological literacy and scientific curiosity among young individuals, we can equip them with the necessary skills to navigate an increasingly complex world. In conclusion, addressing religious extremism and terrorism requires a multifaceted approach that emphasizes religious literacy, engages youth in constructive activities, and fosters their interest in science and technology. By implementing these measures, we can mitigate the risks associated with extremist ideologies and safeguard the future of Kazakhstan.

Key words: religious extremism, terrorism, religious literacy, tolerance, traditional religious values.



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How to Cite

Bishmanov, K., & Orynbekov, N. (2023). Enhancing religious literacy to counter extremism and terrorism in Kazakhstan’s religious context. Eurasian Journal of Religious Studies, 34(2), 23–33. https://doi.org/10.26577//EJRS.2023.v34.i2.r3