Social and economic inequality in Kazakhstan: the contextual factor of religious identity


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social structure, socio-economic inequality, religious identity, faith, religious belief


The systemic changes occurring in Kazakhstan since the 1990s have been driven by a socio-economic crisis and its corresponding consequences for the living standards of the population. This includes a decrease in per capita income and a rise in income inequality. Indicators of the social standard of living have exhibited signs of a transformational crisis alongside a clear trend of declining systemic measures, encompassing macroeconomic levels and social indicators, including the potential of the healthcare and education systems. Despite recent improvements in the country's socio-economic indicators, significant levels of inequality and differentiation persist in Kazakhstan, with a deeper impact on rural areas than urban ones. The aim of this article is to investigate religious identity as a significant factor not only in determining social and economic inequality but also in elucidating the mechanisms underlying this relationship. A sociological study conducted in various regions of Kazakhstan confirms empirical connections between religion, social status, and material income, while also uncovering the reasons behind such patterns. This article was prepared as part of a grant funded by the Committee of Science of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan (AR 19679699, "Religiosity/spirituality, well-being and identity of Kazakhstani youth: a comparative country study").

Keywords: social structure, socio-economic inequality, religious identity, faith, religious belief.



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How to Cite

Abdiraiymova, G., & Saimassayeva, A. (2023). Social and economic inequality in Kazakhstan: the contextual factor of religious identity. Eurasian Journal of Religious Studies, 35(3), 3–15.