Features of the socio-political situation in Islamic countries after gaining independence (informational and religious studies aspects)



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The process of establishing Muslim states has been a subject of exploration and research, considering various accusations and efforts to transform Muslim ideas and institutions. In the context of the study topic, a number of domestic and foreign orientalists, regional scientists, historians have studied historical and political factors, in this article it is planned to analyze the religious aspects of the topic by considering information and religious aspects. The study provides a comprehensive study of theoretical materials, as well as professional opinions and thoughts of public figures, religious scientists in this region. As a result of the article, the study examined the participation and role of religious movements and parties in Arab society (Hamas, Hezbollah, the Muslim Brotherhood, etc.) in the system of public administration, taking into account social and religious factors in the process of gaining sovereignty of the Middle East countries. It is clear that the relations between the main directions in Islam, sunnis and shiites, contributed to the non-preservation of religious identity in the Middle East, and it was found that Muslim thinkers and public figures were looking for ideas for a common dialogue between the two directions. To date, in order to conduct a productive study of the main factors of conflicts in the region, it is obvious that a number of final data in the article indicate understanding the importance of the subject matter in order to comprehend its significance. The article, which provides practical assistance in the work of specialists studying the religious situation in this region, has practical significance, contains information about Understanding the significance of religious elements and their place in society is crucial for gaining insight into this topic of declaration of independence of such states as Lebanon, Iran, Syria, Egypt.

Keyword: middle east, islam, party, arab, factors.

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How to Cite

Shagyrbay А., & Moldakhmet Б. (2024). Features of the socio-political situation in Islamic countries after gaining independence (informational and religious studies aspects). Eurasian Journal of Religious Studies, 38(2), 30–39. https://doi.org/10.26577//EJRS.2024.v38.i2.r3