Исламдағы реконструкция (тәждид) процестері



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Кілттік сөздер:

Ислам, таждид, реконструкция, современные исламские мыслители



The article analyzes the reasons for the actualization of the problems of islahat (improvement, correction), tajdid (updating) in Islam over the past 2-3 centuries and the differences in the views of scientists who propose its implementation. It is known that Islamic civilization, which appeared in the historical space in the 7th century, reached its peak in the Middle Ages and contributed to the development of science and education, art and culture. Thus, Islam has taken a special place in the history of human development. Since the 18th century, however, there have been signs of stagnation in the Muslim world. In the era of modernity, the Islamic world faced colonial actions and the military domination of the West, which caused a rollback in all areas. In this regard, scholars of the modern era in the Islamic world analyzed the causes of this stagnation and paved the way for religious and philosophical research. The methodological differences in the interpretation of the concept of tajdid and the idea of its implementation by modern Muslim scholars involved in the modernization of Islamic knowledge are analyzed in detail. In addition, the difference between tajdid and reform is considered, the essence of the concept of reconstruction is revealed and the theological justification of tajdid is determined.

Keywords: Islam, Tajdid, reconstruction, modern Islamic thinkers.

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Как цитировать

Seitahmetova, N., & Kaldybekov, N. (2022). Исламдағы реконструкция (тәждид) процестері. ҚазҰУ Хабаршысы, Дінтану сериясы, 30(2), 14–22. https://doi.org/10.26577/EJRS.2022.v30.i2.r2