Beliefs related to the ornaments of felt and woven carpets in the yurts of Kazakh people
Felt and woven carpets, ornament, belief, totemism, magicAbstract
For many centuries, Kazakh people inhabited endless steppes and led a nomadic lifestyle. Cattle breeding was the foremost means of their subsistence. They grew camels, horses, cows, sheep, and used their milk, meat, wool and leather. They lived in portable felt accommodations and mastered handicraft necessary for their livelihood. Felt and woven carpets, the ornaments as well used in these carpets played a significant role among the other types of handicraft. According to scientists, ornaments were applied as a means of communication between people. Kazakh people preserved their language, religion, beliefs and traditions for thousands of years. The ornaments of handicraft products of Kazakh people are particularly classified into four groups; cosmogonic patterns (sun, star, moon), zoomorphic ornaments (animals, birds) considered as totems, floral ornaments (wood, flower, grain), and geometric ornaments (square, rhombus). Additionally, each ornament and the numbers used in these ornaments acquire with the meanings related to totemic symbols, magic and traditions. Therefore, the main purpose of the given work is to reveal the essence of the ornaments of felt and woven carpets related to the beliefs of our ancestors.
Key words: felt and woven carpets, ornament, belief, totemism, magic.References
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