Tengrian consciousness: socio-psychological climate in the country



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Tengrianism, Shamanism, Archetype, Islam, Traditions


This article presents a phenomenological, psychological, structural analysis of the psychological and social climate of the Tengrian faith in the modern Kazakhstan conditions from the standpoint of the philosophy of religion. We have proposed problems on the discussed platform of discourses in the public consciousness. Summarizing the system of positive and negative views on Tengrianism, we investigated their dynamics through content analysis of modern information networks. We presented the basic picture of the ethics and behavior of Tengrians, supporting it with concrete manifestations of modern archetypes of Tengrianism with state symbols and works of art. The main directions of Tengrianism in modern Kazakhstan were identified and the main directions of its further study were proposed. The transition mechanisms to Tengrianism in the public consciousness were also demonstrated, emotional levels of devotion to Tengrianism, phobias of Tengrianism, practices of Tengrianism in the course of direct study of public life were formulated.

Key words: Tengrianism, Shamanism, Archetype, Islam, Traditions.



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How to Cite

Ryskiyeva, A., Kuranbek, A., & Atash, B. (2022). Tengrian consciousness: socio-psychological climate in the country. Eurasian Journal of Religious Studies, 32(4), 28–38. https://doi.org/10.26577//EJRS.2022.v32.i4.r3